Turning on FileClient Debug dynamically
As explained in earlier blogs Enabling FC debug can be very helpful while debugging issues and seeing what calls the client is making to the cluster incase there are timeout's , retry errors but no obvious issues at the cluster side. While the below blogs explain way to turn on FC debug when the process starts up it can be priceless if FC can be turned on dynamically.
Lets say we need to get FC debug logs for NM pid .
1) Get NM pid .
2) Run below command to list the details on shared memory segments. From below commands we know the shmid of interest is 1006731277 .
As explained in earlier blogs Enabling FC debug can be very helpful while debugging issues and seeing what calls the client is making to the cluster incase there are timeout's , retry errors but no obvious issues at the cluster side. While the below blogs explain way to turn on FC debug when the process starts up it can be priceless if FC can be turned on dynamically.
Lets say we need to get FC debug logs for NM pid .
1) Get NM pid .
[root@node107rhel72 logs]# jps | grep 12531
12531 NodeManager
[root@node107rhel72 logs]#
2) Run below command to list the details on shared memory segments. From below commands we know the shmid of interest is 1006731277 .
[root@node107rhel72 logs]# ipcs -mp | grep 12531
------ Shared Memory Creator/Last-op PIDs --------
shmid owner cpid lpid
1006731277 mapr 12531 17541
1006764046 mapr 12531 12531
1006796815 mapr 12531 12531
[root@node107rhel72 logs]# ipcs -m | egrep "bytes|1234"
------ Shared Memory Segments --------
key shmid owner perms bytes nattch status
0x00000000 0 mapr 644 1234 0
0x00000000 1002995714 mapr 644 1234 1 dest
0x00000000 1006731277 mapr 644 1234 1 dest
[root@node107rhel72 logs]#
3) Now since we know the Shmid we can enable FC DEBUG via below command .
/opt/mapr/server/tools/fcdebug -s 1006731277 -l DEBUG
4) Verify debug messages are logged .
i) Std out of the process will log messages as below.
[root@node107rhel72 logs]# tailf yarn-mapr-nodemanager-node107rhel72.out
2018-03-20 19:48:42,1632 DEBUG Client fs/client/fileclient/cc/client.cc:3686 Thread: 19570 atime in millisec = 1520406282000
2018-03-20 19:48:42,1632 DEBUG Client fs/client/fileclient/cc/client.cc:3703 Thread: 19570 nlink - 1
2018-03-20 19:48:42,1632 DEBUG Client fs/client/fileclient/cc/client.cc:3526 Thread: 19570 PathWalk: Adding /var/mapr/local/node107rhel72/mapred/nodeManager/fidservers Fid 2113.38.1969838 to Fidcache
2018-03-20 19:48:42,1632 DEBUG Client fs/client/fileclient/cc/client.cc:3530 Thread: 19570 PathWalk: WalkDone File /var/mapr/local/node107rhel72/mapred/nodeManager/fidservers, resp fid 2113.38.1969838
2018-03-20 19:48:42,1632 DEBUG JniCommon fs/client/fileclient/cc/jni_MapRClient.cc:1147 Thread: 19570 -- Exit JNI getattr -- /var/mapr/local/node107rhel72/mapred/nodeManager/fidservers
ii) You can also verify if debugs are turned on for the module in question.
[root@node107rhel72 logs]# /opt/mapr/server/tools/fcdebug -i -s 1006731277
Global : DEBUG
MapServerFile : DEBUG
MapServerDir : DEBUG
Container : DEBUG
Snapshot : DEBUG
Util : DEBUG
Replication : DEBUG
PunchHole : DEBUG
KvStore : DEBUG
Truncate : DEBUG
Orphanage : DEBUG
FileServer : DEBUG
Heartbeat : DEBUG
Defer : DEBUG
ServerCommand : DEBUG
Write : DEBUG
HighLatency : DEBUG
DBMemIndex : DEBUG
DBPermission : DEBUG
AceCache : DEBUG
Marlin : DEBUG
MarlinLG : DEBUG
LogStream : DEBUG
FileAccess : DEBUG
FSProfile : DEBUG
Cidcache : DEBUG
Client : DEBUG
Fidcache : DEBUG
5) Turn of FC debug dynamically after getting all the logs of interest .
[root@node107rhel72 logs]# /opt/mapr/server/tools/fcdebug -s 1006731277
Applying default level on all modules
[root@node107rhel72 logs]#
Note:- If finding shmid is challenge you can run below command against the PID of interest and Debug logging will be enabled on the fly after a minute.
[root@node107rhel72 logs]# for shm in `ipcs -mp | grep -w 12531 | cut -f 1 -d " "`; do echo $shm ;/opt/mapr/server/tools/fcdebug -s $shm -l DEBUG; done
[root@node107rhel72 logs]#