Monday, October 1, 2018

How to get cluster id, workspace id, notebook url or job id in Databricks

                  How to get cluster id, workspace id, notebook url or job id in Databricks

how to get your cluster id, workspace id, notebook url, job id?  Its quite simple to get all the info from Databricks UI in few clicks, but its important to understand what and where to find the relevant info from the URL's

Lets first get URL of interest for test cluster which we created to get  cluster id and workspace id .

 - > Click on Clusters tab in left pane and then select the test cluster you created, this should take you to cluster configuration URL as below .

Here the URL has some important info which Databricks would need for debugging .


Shard-endpoint-name -  This is the Shard name/Instance name which is assigned to customers for each of their unique deployments, Usually customers create separate shards for their Dev , Stage and Production to segregate the workload and grant access to only relevant users .

workspaceID - The random number after "o=" is the Databricks workspaceID . Databricks workspace is deployment where Databricks platform is spun up and deployed where users can be onboard to spin up spark clusters on demand or schedule their workload . Every workspace has a Unique Workspace ID and this info is unique per workspace .

clusterID - The random key made from numbers and strings would form a cluster ID i.e 1002-003809-rally984 in this example . Databricks needs this cluster ID for troubleshooting any issues such as  cluster not start , cluster abruptly terminating , cluster not terminating etc .

Notebook URL -  Notebook URL is the https URL which can be shared with anyone on Databricks platform with proper access to be able to access the notebook , made modification, debug etc  . Every notebook cell would have different URL address .

(Notebook URL -

Job ID  - Click on Jobs tab in left pane and select the Job ID of interest and click on the Job name, this should take you to job details URL as below. This Job URL is very critical piece of info needed to troubleshoot job runs which have failed and Root cause need to be investigated.

Jobs listing :

Job Details :