Friday, June 26, 2015

Hadoop fs Commands

                                             Important hadoop fs commands

To  display the usage statement for the hadoop command run
$ hadoop -help

1.     Display the usage statement for the hadoop fs command
    $ hadoop fs

2.     List the contents of your home directory
    $ hadoop fs –ls ~

3.     Display a recursive listing of the /mapr directory
    $ hadoop fs –lsr /mapr

4.     Display the contents of the /tmp directory on hadoop cluster
    $ hadoop fs –ls /tmp

5.    Display the disk-usage of the /user/root directory
    $ hadoop fs -du /user/root

6.     Creates "test" file under "/user/root" directory on hadoop cluster
    $hadoop fs -touchz /user/root/test

7.     Make a sub-directory in your home directory.
    $ hadoop fs –mkdir ~/mydir

8.     Copy local /etc/hosts file to your hadoop cluster
    $ hadoop fs –copyFromLocal /etc/hosts ~/mydir

9.     Display the contents of the hosts file in directory u created.
  $ hadoop fs –ls ~/mydir

10. Change the permission of the hosts file .
   $ hadoop fs -chmod 777 ~/mydir/hosts

11. Move the hosts file from hadoop to local /tmp
    $ hadoop fs –moveToLocal ~/mydir/hosts /tmp/

12. Copy the hosts file from  hadoop to local /tmp
  $ hadoop fs –copyToLocal ~/mydir/hosts /tmp/

13. Display the contents of the hosts file in /tmp
     $ hadoop fs –cat /tmp/hosts

14. Populate your subdirectory with files and time the command    

    $ time hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /usr/bin/* ~/mydir

15Remove all the files in your subdirectory    

    $ hadoop fs -rm ~/mydir/*

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