Sunday, June 28, 2015

Important Maprcli Commands

                               Important Maprcli Commands

Turn on Debug for maprcli command
maprcli service list -node `hostname` -cli.loglevel DEBUG

List all Alarms
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli alarm list 

List all cldb's
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node listcldbs

List all Zk's
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node listzookeepers

Info for  certain details of the cluster nodes in column
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node list -columns  service,ip,disks,health,faileddisks,mtotal,cpus  

Total node info in cluster
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node list -json      

Find topology from command line 
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node topo -json

List's volume with detail's  
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli volume list -json         

Lists all disk's from local node 
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli disk list -host        

Displays all configuration cluster wide 
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli config load -json             

Dumps SP’s usage and shows active container moves
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli dump balancerinfo -json     

Dumps active Master balancing across the nodes
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli dump rolebalancerinfo –json

Dumps Info about replication
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli dump rereplicationinfo –json

Lists CLDB master
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node cldbmaster

Dump info stored in zookeeper
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli dump zkinfo -zkconnect pt-mapr-001.shortcovers.local:5181,pt-mapr-002.shortcovers.local:5181,pt-mapr-003.shortcovers.local:5181 –json

Dump volume info with details for containers
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli dump volumeinfo -volumename <VolumeName> –json

List's Virtual IP's
/usr/bin/maprcli virtualip list

Container Replication info
maprcli dump replicationmanagerinfo/rereplicationinfo/
replicationmanagerqueueinfo  -volumename  <volumename>

Switch Container Master from current master node
maprcli debugdb switchMaster -cid <CID> (except for CID 1)

Trace level information 
maprcli trace info

Container INFO
maprcli dump containerinfo -ids 2049

Allow node in cluster
maprcli node allow-into-cluster  -hostids hostids

Stop/Start/Restart Services
maprcli node services -tasktracker restart -nodes <node 1>

Removing Volume
maprcli volume remove -name  volumeName

Removing Volume link 
maprcli volume link  remove –path  <actual-path>

The Volume topology for given volume
maprcli volume list -columns mountdir,rackpath | grep <VolumeName>

URL for service
maprcli urls –name <jobtracker>

The node topology of all the nodes in the cluster
maprcli node list -columns hostname,id,racktopo

Setup ALARM 
maprcli alarm config save -values "<alarm name>,1,<email address>"

TT Map and Reduce Slots 
maprcli node list -columns h,ttmapSlots,ttReduceSlots

Max number of containers threshold set 
maprcli node list -columns mct,nmc

List offline containers
maprcli dump containers -type offline -json               

Change limit for container threshold
maprcli node modify -nodes <hostname> -maxContainers 60000  (Setting the maxContainers to 0 will not raise the alarm)

VIP Assignment

1. Move a VIP to another NIC.
   maprcli virtualip move -virtualip <vip> -tomac <mac-address>

2. At the time of adding the vips set the preferred macs for them.
   maprcli virtualip add -virtualip <vip> [-virtualipend <vip>]
      [-preferredmac <mapc-address]

3. Update the preferred macs for set of vips.
   maprcli virtualip edit -virtualip <vip> [-virtualipend <vip>]
      [-preferredmac <mapc-address]

4. List the vips with preferred mac setting (if any).
   maprcli virtualip list
Modify replication factor for volume
maprcli volume modify -name mapr.cldb.internal -minreplication 1

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